Friday, September 26, 2008


The Fonejacker is a man on a mission to make funny prank calls and scare you out of your wits. You’ll never know who is at the end of the line when you answer your phone as he uses various guises and voices. Know the characters he personifies at his site. Listen to the fonejacker as a George Agdgdgwngo who tries to deceive people with his African accent and steal information from them, or as Terry Tibbs baffling people with his slippery tongue and cockney rhythmic slang.

If you really want to have some fun you can use the soundboard to prank your mates. With this fonejacker soundboard i called my mate and he actually thought he was being fonejacked. It was hilarious. Try it yourself check out the fonejacker soundboard.

Financial scammer George Agdgdgwngo and smooth tongue car salesman Terry Tibbs are only two of several characters depicted in the show. The others are the bank robber Criminal Dave; Mr Doovde who does not believe in acronyms and mistakes them for pronounceable words such as ‘doovde’ for DVD; The Mouse who is a smart rodent who always asks for help from local services; Brian Betonde as a man who has a speech impediment and starts his sentences with the letter B. There is Mr. Miggins who used to be a confused OAP but is now shown as a confused person as confused as the person on the other end of the phone line. Detective Horace Von Khute speaks in a hushed South African tone trying to solve telephone prank calls but gives out a long telephone number which cannot be remembered. Mike is a Northern Irish tele-salesman who calls on the behalf of rudely named companies asking irrelevant impertinent questions. The Chinese DVD Gang is a group of illegal, obese Chinese students who attempt to record films in cinemas illegally. He poses as an automated opperator in the flat line, and un suspecting marks call him. The Beatboxer whose alias is Jafooley, is a man who phones to give details but confusing the 'victim' by beatboxing. Mr. Broadbandings is an Indian man who works in a call centre in India. Donald Donaldson is a dignified sounding bisexual gentleman who phones hotel receptions and security guards asking for sexual favours from males. And lastly, there is Vishka Vishkovski as a Russian circus act who can do 'amazing dancing bear on the hot coals'. Enjoy and download these funny, adorable personae at the fansite.

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